The latest report; “Deforestation fronts; drivers and responses in a changing world”
In January 2021, WWF published a report “Deforestation fronts ; drivers and responses in a changing world ” which provides a comprehensive analysis of deforestation connecting drivers and responses globally by taking a closer look at 24 “deforestation fronts” – places that have a significant concentration of deforestation hotspots and where large areas of remaining forests are under threat. Over 43 million hectares were lost in these fronts between 2004 and 2017, an area roughly the size of Morocco.
While a multitude of approaches have been implemented and some progress has been made in halting forest loss and degradation, both continue at alarming rates.
Recent trends indicate that deforestation will persist in these fronts unless there is collective action and more integrated approaches tailored to each front. To be more effective, the different responses to halt deforestation and forest degradation have to reinforce each other.
WWF report “Deforestation Fronts” is available for you to read
・Full version pdf. file
・Summary pdf. file